실컷 먹다 (eat ~ to my heart’s content = eat my fill of ~)

실컷 먹다 (eat ~ to my heart’s content = eat my fill of ~)[선임병들 (superiors)이 라면을 맛있게 (with relish) 먹고 있는 난롯가는 얼씬도 할 수 없었던 최전방 군 복무 시 받은 휴가를 만끽하려고 (savor) 한꺼번에 7개 라면을 끓여 실컷 먹어보려고 했으나 불과 몇 젓가락을 먹은 후 더는 먹히지 않았다 ]  Continue reading

귀에 쟁쟁하다 (ears ring with ~)

귀에 쟁쟁하다 (ears ring with ~) [배은망덕한 (be lost on sb) 꼴이 되니, “어느 때라도 할 수 있는 (can afford to-inf.) 만큼 (to the extent) 최선을 다해 은혜에 보답하라 (return ~)”는 아내가 항상 하는 조언 (perennial advice)이 내 귀에 쟁쟁하다]

On belatedly hearing that my mentor professor at Soongsil University had passed away, I was overwhelmed with a sense of guilt. For the last few years of his life I have failed to do what I had done: every New Year’s Day saw me making a call to him, who retired to his home in California, and asking after him. I had been so popular with students at Chonnam National University that there each semester my two classes of ‘NYT Editorials—English Composition and Discussion’ and ‘English Composition’ for English majors always filled up shortly after registration began, overflowing with a lot of students on waiting lists. Continue reading

정주영 회장 정신 요약 결집 (distill)된 두 말씀: 통념 (conventional wisdom)

정주영 회장 정신 요약 결집 (distill)된 두 말씀: 통념 (conventional wisdom) 버리고 색다른 생각하라 (think outside the box)-돼지몰이는 꼬리 잡아 야지 (take ~ by the tail), 귀 잡으면 안되; 천장까지 가서 (go so far as to~) 뛰어내f리는 빈대처럼 목표위해 무엇이든 하라 (go to any lengths)] Continue reading