출간될 ‘영어인생 있는 그대로: 고품격 영어표현 실용례’ 머리말

삶의 시야를 넓히고 싶다

The New York Times지성인 영어로 마음껏 표현하고 싶다

영어인생 있는 그대로

고품격 영어표현 실용례

한국과 캐나다에서 펼쳐진 40년 영어인생의 진수로 익힌 주옥같은 영어표현들이 즐비한 실제 예문

(authentic materials) –


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잘못알다 (get ~ wrong)

잘못알다 (get ~ wrong) [시간 잘못알고 수영장 열기 1시간 전에 (one hour ahead of ~) 왔다]; 다양한 (diverse) 운동종류와 방법 덕택에 (thanks to ~) 좋지않은 (inclement) 날씨에도 주어진 상황에서 최선을 다할 수 (make the best of a situation) 있다; 기억한다 (~ stay with me); 꼭두새벽 (bright and early) Continue reading

체념하다 (be resigned to + N/~ing)

체념하다 (be resigned to + N/~ing) [내가 얼마나 많이 NYT에 중독된 (addicted to ~) 지 잘 아는 큰 딸은 어떠한 상황에서도 (under no circumstances) 내가 NYT 못 읽는 거북한 하루를 겪겠다고 체념하는 것을 원하지 않았다]; 무사히 도착 (arrive in one piece); 보답 (return)

My elder daughter returned my help in a way that surprised me. Yesterday she moved to London, Ontario, 200 km away from Toronto, for Teachers’ College Education. With her bed and wooden frame tightly tied to the roof top of our 2006 Hyundai Elantra, I drove. Tying something heavy and big to the car’s roof top is familiar to me: When I go kayaking, I tie my kayak to the roof top. Continue reading

액땜 (salutary)

액땜 (salutary) [중국 여행 출발 며칠 전 한국에서 뺨에 멍 (bruise) 든 것을 액땜한 것으로 생각했다]; 주어진 상황에서 최선 (make the best of a situation); 성숙 (maturity); 증표 (hallmark); 내 기억으로는 (to my recollection); 발에 걸려 넘어지다 (trip); ~인상/느낌을 주다 (strike/impress ~ as ~)

Making the best of a situation is a sign of maturity. While talking with a Korean university student, I felt that thinking of a bad thing as salutary has something to do with making the best of a situation, thus maturity. I’ve never been to China. However, from Chinese classmates, travelers and the press, I know that unfortunately severe air pollution is a hallmark of Chinese major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. The knowledge was behind my question “Did air pollution mar your tour around Beijing?” when a Korean university student was about to share with me a story about her tour around the Chinese capital. To my recollection, she is the only traveler to Beijing that has not complained about its air pollution. Just a few days before she was on the way to China, she had tripped and bruised her cheek. Happy with a fine weather and an unusually low level of air pollution during her stay in Beijing, she thought of the bruise as salutary, thus striking me as mature.  Continue reading