~의 소유다 (belong to sb)

~의 소유다 (belong to sb) [높은 고품격 영어 구사력 (a high command of quality English)은 영어 원어민 또는 영어권 거주/유학 경험 등 단순 외적 지위 (sheer status)와는 별로 상관없고, 그런 능력을 습득하려고 평생 쉬지 않고 열심히 노력하는 겸허한 (humble) 사람이 소유한다]

In the mid-1970s, I fell so ill with tuberculosis in my last high school year in South Korea and was so unable to work on many subjects for university entrance exams that I devoted whatever energy I had to one single activity—reading novels and philosophers’ books in English.  Continue reading

책 목차

삶의 시야를 넓히고 싶다

The New York Times 지성인 영어로 마음껏 표현하고 싶다

 영어인생 있는 그대로

고품격 영어표현 실용례

한국과 캐나다에서 펼쳐진 40년 영어인생의 진수로 익힌 주옥같은 영어표현들이 즐비한 실제 예문 

(authentic materials) –

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만병 통치약 (panacea)

만병 통치약 (panacea)인양 간주되는 한국 수능고사같은 별도 표준고사는, 각학생 맞춤형 (tailor-made for ~) 수업 중시하고, 시험준비로 (teach to test) 전락되는 (be reduced to ~) 수업을 악마로 여기는 캐나다 정서에 맞지 않아 없어서 현역이나 만학도나 대입지원 여건은 대등하다 (be on an equal footing) Continue reading

딱 ~ 하기만 하면 된다 (just a + 명사 + away)

딱 ~ 하기만 하면 된다 (just a + 명사 + away) [적시에 (timely) 호미로 딱 막기만 하면 됐을 것을 이제는 가래로 막야야 한다]; 학습활동 디자인 골자 (thrust); 교사는 창의성과 기지가 풍부해야 (rich in resourcefulness)하고 토론 진행 (moderate) 잘 해야하고 연기자 및 연출가 끼 (a flair for ~)가 있어야한다  Continue reading

방에 콕 박혀 (cloister oneself to a room)

방에 콕 박혀 (cloister oneself to a room) [중국계 의사들은 아주 어릴 때부터 시험공부에 정신통일 (undivided attention to ~) 하려면 골방에 처박혀있는 것이 아주 중요하다 (crucial for ~) 고 믿고 살아와서 (weaned on the notion of ~) 남과 토론하는 것은 쓸데없는 것으로 여겼다 (have no use for discussion)]

What becomes of cloistering yourself to your room might run counter to what youexpect of studying abroad. In this regard, a Korean-Canadian medical doctor’s life story rings in my ears. Before she came to Canada almost 25 years ago, she had been three years into practicing medicine as a specialist in Korea. As Canada has not recognized Korean medical school-educated doctors’ licenses, she had to take a lot of different tests and undergo various interview sessions on the way to her Canadian license. Continue reading

축하! 방문자수 일천명 돌파

 효과적인 영어학습을 위한 선결조건; 심금을 울리다 (strike a chord with ~); 묻어있다 (embedded); 실생활과 밀접하다/공감되다 (resonant with real life)

Dear Visitors to my blog

Still in its infancy, as of yesterday night (Canada ET), my English blog got by far past the landmark of one thousand in the accumulated number of visitors. Just in 24 days, it has achieved this thanks to your support. Having begun as a tool to promote my newly-minted book, my blog has shaped into a site that electrifies visitors with useful English expressions. In what explains its popularity, these English expressions are so embedded in real-life stories and authentic materials (e.g., NYT), so resonant with visitors’ own real life to the point of striking a chord with them that the expressions cater to their pent-up desire to express themselves in quality English. As attested to in the blog, effectiveness at learning/teaching English calls for all the stakeholders of English Education to be vigilant against the attitude of practically equating LEP (Limited English Proficiency) with LIP (Limited Intelligence Potential); and to act on the notion that English Education goes beyond knowledge and is about acquisition of skills. I hope my blog helps Korean students and teachers of English experientially grasp what a way of effectively learning/teaching English is like. Thank you again for your support. Continue reading